
Successful Weight Loss in Women: Five Essential Keys

Author: Dennis Carter

Still struggling with trying to control or generate some successful weight loss? Whatever your diet or women's weight loss program might be, try applying these five essential keys to successful weight loss in women.

1. Eat Your Meals More Slowly

If you have an eye towards shaping up, toning down and generating fat loss to improve your looks and health, then consider this. You will derive more benefit nutritionally from what you eat, when you chew your food more thoroughly and eat more slowly. Why? It's because your body more easily extract nutrients from finely chewed foods. It's also true of foods that spend more time in the digestive tract where their value is extracted. "Wolfing down" your food serves no constructive purpose other than to make you prone to indigestion, upset stomach, and ulcers.

2. Avoid Excess Salt

In speaking of salt, the Holy Bible says, "Will tasteless things be eaten without salt?" (Job 6:6) Salt has many uses and is a seasoning that has been used for centuries. Used in excess however, and it quickly can turn against you. In moderation, it embellishes flavor and taste and enhances a multitude of foods. But use too much and tastes are strong, pungent, acrid and bitter. Too salty is a cooking error that can be difficult to correct. Salt also promotes water imbalances in the body, causing water weight gains in some, Diarrhea in others. An excess of salt in foods is the bane of weight loss in women. Avoid it.

3. Avoid High Saturated Fat, Processed Flour and Sugar-based Foods

From ancient China comes the saying, "Eat noodles for long life", but it's best to do so in moderation. Deep-fried foods, processed flour pastries and breads, and all manner of sugary or sugar-based foods and drinks are truly best avoided as much s possible for successful weight loss.

4. Increase Your Physical Activity

Move your body, exercise, enroll in a gym and go regularly for physical, aerobic workouts. You might consider practicing a physical sport like tennis or golf, bike riding, roller skating or ice skating, jogging on a path, trail or treadmill. How about taking ballroom dance, Tango or Salsa dancing classes? Just find a physical activity you enjoy, practice it regularly and experience successful weight loss as you do. Come up with some way to regularly move your body and exercise for continued weight loss, especially in women.

5. Watch Out for Holidays and Festivals

Holiday celebrations and seasonal festivals can represent some of the best and worst times of our lives. One reason why is that this is often a time for cooking special foods and preparing all manner of "sumptuous drinks" all loaded to the rim with things you just know you really shouldn't have. Okay, so we're all human. Enjoy your holidays. Remember to do so though, in moderation. Don't fall, or jump, completely off the wagon. Recovering from an extensive holiday binge can take weeks if you're not as careful as you should be. Be careful of and exercise some control over what you eat and drink during the holidays.

Stop struggling with trying to control or generate some successful weight loss in women by using these five helpful fat loss program suggestions.

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